I’ve always been that dreamer in believing that life could look different than the conventional model we see everywhere.
I just don’t feel like life should be this get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, clean what needs to be cleaned, and get up the next day to do it all again.
I mean, if that’s your jam… FANTASTIC! It’s just not mine. I picture a life with the hubs at home by my side being able to hang with the kids and still be able to enjoy life.
We started The Hunting Fam a couple years ago and have now been pivoting into starting a business called ColdStrike. Life this way has definitely been trial and error, and “learn-as-we-go”. I can honestly say… I didn’t know if we’d get to this point!
I had a dream in mind, but it wasn’t until we set a goal for Dustin to quit his full-time job that reality hit.

We enjoy our time on the mountain together as a family, and we want others to as well! Our mission for the company is to inspire families to brave the mountains together.
This has become our way to venture out to something new, while sharing what we love with other families at the same time!
So.. our dream 2 years ago is officially coming true + Dustin is officially becoming an entrepreneur!
Do we know exactly what we’re doing? No! But we have our goals + plan in mind and are willing to do whatever necessary to make it work.
Making it work might be a little different than we set off to do originally… Are we ready for the ebbs and flows, the reality of entrepreneurship? I sure hope so!!
But the best part of all of this is, we’re teaching our kids (and ourselves!) to chase those dreams and live our lives on purpose. We are not perfect at any of this, but we teach the things we need to learn right?

We want to be the example to teach our kids to live on purpose. To realize that life doesn’t have to be the 9-5 grind and we can do whatever we set our hearts on. Make a plan, work hard at it, be present, and laugh a lot!
Lean into the fear + going after it anyways. One step at a time + one day at a time. We may not know what the future holds, but we do know that we are going to give it hell! We know what that dream is — so here we goooo!
Who wants to brave your mountain with us?
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