What I do...

I teach you to become the authority of your life.

The vibe here is creating a life you're excited to wake up to!

It's time to stop shoulding all over yourself, become the authority of your life, and create one you love with kids in tow.

I've been there...

Deep down, in my soul, I KNOW there is more.

You're ready to kick off your shoes at the end of the day GUILT-FREE knowing everything is taken care of. 

Being a mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world. 

It's the equivalent of a 98 work week!

-- NO wonder it feels overwhelming

A high-pressure job requires intentional support and PROVEN systems to succeed. 

So how can we expect to succeed at creating a life we're excited to wake up to without proven systems in place? 

You know you've got what it takes, but where do you start? 

Choose the option you feel most called to below and LFG.

Group Coaching

Mom Life Mastery

The PROVEN systems that GUARANTEE you run your life so that your life doesn't run you. 

What if it’s not about working harder or doing more? 

What if it’s actually about putting simple systems in place so that you can do LESS and experience more? 

learn more

You can't mindset your way into a life you love.

- Amanda C.

Steph got her whole life in order again

I’ve gotten a whole heck of a lot better at setting boundaries. Holding them with my kiddos, so they’re getting the best guidance and safest growing environment. I set them with my husband so our communication has never been better.

And mostly, I set better boundaries with myself— the standards I live my daily life are much higher than before— which helps me be mindfully productive with my time, with my job, with housework, and now our new homeschooling adventure. 

Jess Found empowerment

If you want to drop out of fear and into bold, empowered action, then it's time to work with Amanda! She'll empower you with the tools to release your fear + the questions to ask yourself so that you arrive at massive clarity!

"This has been life-changing"

Amanda helped me lighten my mom load significantly by guiding me through implementing a chore chart for my 4 kids (13, 10, 7 & 4). You might be thinking “oh that cute” but let me tell you this has been life changing!

The boundaries are in place and I don’t have to nag at anyone to get things done. The kids know what needs to be done and I don’t need to hover over them for things to be accomplished.

Sara was able to heal

Working with Amanda was such a special experience and allowed my heart and eyes to be opened to what is actually possible in my healing journey.

When you say yes to an experience with Amanda it will be the fastest way to start working with yourself instead of against yourself. You will see and feel things in a different way than you ever have before. It’s healing. It’s loving. It’s safe. 

What makes me different

I get to the root cause

I don’t just give you surface-level tips; I help you dig deep into why you feel stuck and overwhelmed, so we can solve the real issue, not just put a band-aid on it. We dive into somatic AND mindset tools 'round here!

I Teach Simple Systems + Tools

I’m not here to overwhelm you with complicated advice. I give you tools that are easy to use, even with kids around, so you can make progress without adding more to your plate.

I Practice What I Preach

I dive headfirst into my own therapy and coaching because I refuse to ask you to do what I’m not willing to do myself. I can pick out patterns I see in you because I've done the work so I'm not throwing out some 'cookie-cutter advice.'


Let's work together, yeah yeah yeah!

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