Become the Authority of your life.

Become the Authority of your life.

Create a life you're excited to wake up to

Does any of this sound familiar?

Does any of this sound familiar?

I don’t even know who I am anymore. I love my kids - but I have lost myself in motherhood.

I’m caught up in chaos more often than not. I wish I didn’t snap at my kids and feel so tired and frustrated. - I’d love to be calm and more present with my kids. 

Will I ever be the mom I’ve dreamt of? I love my kids more than anything in the world and wish I could be the fun mom for them

My body, my space, my food, seem to belong to my kids. I miss having something that is just mine, but feel guilty even thinking that. 





I want to go out with my friends, but that mom-guilt.


It's never enough. I wake up and feel behind before 8 am even rolls around.


Deep down, in my soul, I KNOW there is more.

A high-pressure job requires intentional support and PROVEN systems to succeed. 

So how can we expect to succeed at creating a life we're excited to wake up to without proven systems in place? 

AND Despite all of that... 

--I know I’ve got what it takes to create a life I’m excited to wake up to

Being a mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world. 

It's the equivalent of a 98 work week!

-- NO wonder it feels overwhelming

Mom Life Mastery


The PROVEN systems that GUARANTEE you run your life so that your life doesn't run you. 

What if it’s not about working harder or doing more? 

What if it’s actually about putting simple systems in place so that you can do LESS and experience more? 

Enjoy motherhood AND being YOU again. 

Are a calm mom who can manage stress without letting it affect how you interact with your kids



Imagine a life where you...

Show up as the mom who’s fully present, enjoying time with your kids, and getting lost in the fun without the stress of a never-ending to-do list.


Have more time + energy to keep up with your kids and actually enjoy the time you spend with them.


Are getting back to the things that make you, YOU


Go out with friends and have a good time without stressing over what state the house will be in when you get home because not only has your partner stepped up, but your kids as well.


Amanda helped me lighten my mom load significantly by guiding me through implementing a chore chart for my 4 kids (13, 10, 7 & 4). You might be thinking “oh that cute” but let me tell you this has been life changing! The boundaries are in place and I don’t have to nag at anyone to get things done. The kids know what needs to be done and I don’t need to hover over them for things to be accomplished.

— TRUdy

"This has been life-changing"

With this system you will:

✓ Respond vs react- so that you feel proud of how you handle tough moments

✓ Redefine what it means to be a good mom so that you can stop living based on other people’s expectations and start trusting your own instincts.

✓ Enjoy motherhood instead of trying to fit someone else's idea of it.

✓ Prioritize YOUR Needs without guilt so that you can experience more energy, patience, and presence with your kids. Plus rediscover the joy of being YOU - not just “mom”

✓ Break Free From Guilt, live fully as YOU, and reclaim your joy in motherhood.

✓ Wake Up Excited and Aligned - match your thoughts & action with your true desires so that you can start each day with purpose

✓ Step out of survival so that you can sustain a new vibrant energy for your life every day

✓ Magnetize your dream life into your day-to-day

✓ Align your thoughts, actions and energy so that you can step into the life you’re meant to live

The systems that give you your life back.

Drop the mom-guilt System

The Energetic Alignment System

Run Your House Like a Boss

Reclaim YOU


✓ Break free from shrinking to fit in so that you can expand to your truest self! 

✓ Stop the pressure of others expectation so that you can enjoy your life based on your desires

✓ Live BOLDLY as the mom and woman you desire to be - without compromise

✓ Anchor into your true identity and shed the pressure of other people's expectations

✓ Lighten your load and reclaim your time with ease

✓ Stop feeling like the naggy mom. How to teach your kids to help with the load so that you get the help you desire without the guilt or constantly asking

✓ Streamline you daily tasks so that you free up mental energy, reduce overwhelm, and bring more calm and peace into your home

Boundary Mastery

Set clear, life-giving boundaries that protect your time and energy so that...

 ✓ You can say no without the guilt -focusing on what truly matters to you

✓ Reduce chaos and overwhelm

✓ Feel more in control

✓ Protect your energy, prioritize your needs and create a more enjoyable life as a mom

Triple A System

The foolproof system that creates LASTING change so that...

✓ You finally feel in control of your mind.

✓ Experience deep mindset shifts 

✓ Reduce chaos and overwhelm

✓ Stop the cycle of self-sacrifice and take care of you without the guilt. 

✓ Establish new possibilities and create a future you’re excited about

How It Works

Lay the groundwork with proven systems that set you up for success + a foundation you need to reclaim your life. 

Phase 1: Foundation

Implementing systems into your daily life, reducing chaos and overwhelm, and bringing more calm and control.


Become the authority, confidently managing your time, energy + priorities to create a life you’re excited to wake up to.

Phase 3: Be the authority

I’ve gotten a whole heck of a lot better at setting boundaries. Holding them with my kiddos, so they’re getting the best guidance and safest growing environment. I set them with my husband so our communication has never been better. And mostly, I set better boundaries with myself— the standards I live my daily life is much higher than before— which helps me be mindfully productive with my time, with my job, with housework, and now our new homeschooling adventure. 

-Steph N. 

real results

What do you want your life to look like 6 months from now? 

If you don't get started, you won't get there... 

So let's jump in today!

"Working with Amanda was such a special experience and allowed my heart and eyes to be opened to what is actually possible in my healing journey."

When you say yes to an experience with Amanda it will be the fastest way to start working with yourself instead of against yourself. You will see and feel things in a different way than you ever have before. It’s healing. It’s loving. It’s safe. 


Yes, It Really Works

"Without hesitation, I whole heartedly recommend working with Amanda"

As I have spent time working with Amanda, I have felt big shifts in my thinking and mindset. Feelings and ideas that have moved after trying so many things to make a difference in changing my mindset. Working with Amanda, I have been able to release and process several big feelings and experiences that have allowed me to propel my progress forward. 

Emj S. 

You’ll spend your days doing more of what YOU enjoy, guilt-free knowing that when you do what you love, you also show up as your best self while knowing everything is taken care of.

Imagine being able to go out with friends and have a good time while no longer stressing over what state the house will be in when you get home because not only has your partner stepped up, but your kids as well. 

Ready to kick off your shoes at the end of the day GUILT-FREE knowing everything is taken care of? 

You're in the right place.

Running a house and raising kids is a heavy weight to say the least. Especially when it feels as though you are doing it all on your own. When your partner comes home and gets to sit down, kick their shoes off and relax, maybe you can’t help but feel a little resentful? You’d love their help but find it hard to ask.

Learn how to get the support you need without him pushing back or judging you so that you too get to sit down, kick off your shoes and relax - knowing that everything is taken care of!

How to get your hubs on board!

Free guide

Bonus Course Module


You can't mindset your way into a life you love

guided Breathwork audios and highest self visualizations

Implementing the MOMLIFE systems creates massive growth and expansion. In order to create LASTING CHANGE we must regulate our nervous system.  

These audios will regulate your nervous system and actually shift YOU from the inside out so that you can maintain your new growth and expansion. 


“This is your day. This is the time to go after it all.”


You'll stop snapping at your kids for just being kids and instead let them be themselves + enjoy being with them.

You let go of toxic mom-culture that tells you you're never enough and instead you KNOW that you are showing up exactly as the mom they need.

You no longer try to be the mom you are expected to be and instead show up as the mom + woman you WANT to be.

You know how to ask for help and that your needs are valid. You receive the support you need from your kids and partner with ease... no nagging necessary!

You drop the mom-guilt and create more time + space for YOU to do whatever you want in your days!

You’ll start your morning feeling like you’re in control of your day, not like it’s running you

After our 8-weeks together you'll be showing up as the authority of your life– excited to wake up for your days!


I'm Amanda! You're new Mom Life Coach

I won’t tell you that there is only one way to becoming who you want to be. Or that you have something wrong with you that needs to be fixed.

I’m the gal who will come alongside you, call you out on your BS, and hold you accountable to making the changes you desire while taking action that feels aligned TO YOU.

more about me >

hey there!

Mom life is equivalent to working 2.5 full time jobs...

It's no wonder why thinking "if I only work harder" isn't helping because you're already working hard.

My gift is helping women become the authority of their lives through simple systems and breathwork so that you no stop feeling like your days run you.

You cannot mindset your way into a life you love. Working harder isn't the answer. It's about learning how to be the boss of your life. 

You CAN do less and experience MORE in your life as a mom too.

Study at your own pace

Plan based on your learning style


Follow a proven system

This program includes everything you need to become the authority of your life.

A life you're excited to wake up to

A PROVEN system so that YOU run your days.

More of what YOU love outside of mom life

Time for what really matters to you.

Support you desire without the guilt.

More balance, rest, and alignment in your life.

If you want this to be the year that you *finally* have:


We're so confident that you will experience transformation that if you've implemented the systems as directed and you don't experience a shift in your life then we will give you a refund. 

money back 


This is for you if:

You want to feel in control of your day, not the other way around

You're not interested in dropping overwhelm

You're ready to stop feeling overwhelmed

You don't believe in taking time for you

You're ready to have support so that you aren't doing it all

It's probably not for you if...


Let's Do This Thing!


Frequently Asked Questions

How is this course different?

This isn't just a mom life course. This course gives moms the proven systems needed to truly become the authority of their lives. These are the things I practice in my own life. 

This program incorporates mindset AND breathwork to help you solve the root of your problem and finally make lasting change.

This helps you lighten the load, not add more to-dos like most programs do.

Life is wild right now. What if I don't have time to be on every call? 

This course is all about getting things OFF your plate to free up more time.

You decide when you start, but you have access to all of the recordings for life AND… you will get any future updates I make to the course free so you will always have them to go back to when things pop up again. 

What can I expect from this course?

Life-changing systems. Clarity. Content that will guide you to your most inner knowing that life gets to be better than you ever could have imagined. A supportive mindset + fresh perspective on life. A group of women on this journey alongside you.

Is this only for moms?

No. While my teachings are geared toward mom-life because I AM a mom, this is also deeply helpful for future moms, care-givers, and dog moms. This is about becoming the authority of your life through systems that benefit all. 

I don't know if this is for me... should I join?

If Mom Life Mastery speaks to your soul in any way, you get to trust you. Your inner guidance + trusting that is how you create a life you desire. So if you desire to join, you are the authority and you get to trust YOU!

email us

Still on the Fence?

let's do this

We completely understand. When it comes to changing you life, you want to know that you will be fully supported. Please feel free to reach out with any Q's you may have.